How do we find our balance in the transitional season of Fall? How do we balance between what's happening outside of our control (outside of us) and what's happening within us?
Read MoreThe space between endings and beginnings. Sometimes it’s just a moment. A breath of time. A flutter really. Something barely acknowledged. We’re off and running with the next step forward.
Read MoreThis is a story about how we talk to ourselves and listen to our bodies. This is my story of awakening to my wholeness.Last year at this time I spent my birthday in the ER, an I.V. attached to my arm, injecting what the doctor jokingly referred to as “our migraine cocktail of choice.”
Read MoreOften the transition from one season to another can feel unsettling.
When it comes to heading into Summer it can feel like someone just threw the map out the window.
Read MoreDo you feel that excess, distracted energy that comes with the change from Winter hibernation to Spring emergence?While some literally get runny noses, watery eyes, and phlegmy coughs as they thaw out from the winter, I often feel out of balance, overflowing, agitated, uncomfortable in my clothes, like I need to shed my old skin.
Read MoreTwo things came together to create this love-ly tea recipe.
1. My desire to turn up the self-love this winter and,
2. Giving myself permission to play with the gorgeous selection of organic bulk herbs at our local health and wellness store.I was drawn to the rose petals, hibiscus, and orange peel for their fragrance, taste, and color.
Read MoreI bet you know just what you would do, say, or give for most common kid ailments at your house. You probably have a tried and true natural remedy or supplement in your cabinet in case your child gets a sting, a sore throat, night terrors, or indigestion.
Read MoreTaking small steps creates the environment and momentum for big change.
One of my clients (let’s call her Maya) is a mother of two, with her youngest in preschool 3 mornings a week. Now that she has these few hours of uninterrupted time she's started dreaming about what she might bring back into her life.
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I dedicate my yoga classes, the seasons, meditation, a glass of wine shared with friends, and especially each New Year.
Read MoreI'm reminded of the first year we had chickens in our backyard city homestead. I was trying to plant our annual bean seeds to grow up the trellis (which we also used as a natural way to block our view of the neighbors chain link fencing). These were dual action beans with a purpose. Anyone who has had chickens knows that letting them free range and trying to grow a garden from seed can be a loosing battle.
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