Dream. Create. Relate.
to Mar 22

Dream. Create. Relate.

  • Google Calendar ICS

Welcome to Dream. Create. Relate.

A 4-week creative attunement program to bring you into authentic engagement with your creative process.

[Listen to me talk about this program in a nine minute audio or read the edited version below.]

Often we have this linear idea of how our creative process should work.

Or we might think about creativity as a cyclical, circular process, like a moon cycle or seasonal cycle: beginning, middle and end, waxing energy, peak energy, waning energy, birth, death, and rebirth. 

As a proponent of creative cycles, I’ve been noticing lately the way in which I can feel stuck within that model.

Here's what I mean—using the name of this program (dream.create.relate.) for example—we dream up an idea, then we create the idea, we make it, it comes into being, and then we share it or show it or tell it.

Here's what I'm deeply excited to explore with this creative attunement program:

What if these could actually be three separate buckets?

The reason that’s so captivating to me is: 

It allows us to be in all three of those buckets simultaneously.

It allows us to dream about what we want to dream about, create what we want to create, and then, relate or connect or reach out where we want to reach out.

Free your flow, creativity, and engagement.

I believe, that when we allow these three buckets—dream, create, relate—to be engaged with separately, releasing the pressure for them to be connected or make sense, we become deeply rooted in what is happening right now.

So let’s start with what we have right now. Let’s begin. Let's build trust in the technology and pleasure of our creativity. 

  • Let’s begin by acknowledging the three different buckets of our creative process.

  • Let’s fill those up with what we’re currently doing, currently interested in, currently dreaming about, currently wanting to connect with others about.

  • Let's engage them as they are and I bet we will see the connections and even if we don’t we will both feed these buckets and be fed by them. 

We need this kind of soul engagement and nourishment and connection to what matters most to us

—in our dream life, in our creative, making life and in our relationships, our community engagement, our closeness with nature, our closeness with ourselves.

A few things i think might happen:

  • A healing balm for perfectionism, procrastination, isolation, feeling stuck, feeling overwhelmed, creative confusion, doubts, overthinking, or overacting.

  • Letting go of the grind, the perfection, the rules. Reprogramming how you talk to yourself about creativity and about being the best, most productive version of yourself.

  • A way to personally cope with and feel like you’re participating in positive change in the world and that you have agency in your life.

  • You already have all the knowledge and enough tools. Let yourself attune to your own creative process and timing.

  • Ultimately this is about being in dynamic presence.

Meet yourself within your creative process.

Meet others who long to reconnect with their creativity in a fresh, new, gentler way. 

You may be surprised by the strength, peace and connection you find at the creative core of your being.

What to expect:

  • Tools to inquire, engage and connect you with YOUR current creative process such as free writing, mind mapping, visualization, imagery (collage, tarot/oracle cards), and stillness.

  • Sharing and encouragement among participants.

  • Permission to follow your heart.

Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.
— Rumi


  • We’ll meet Saturdays (3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22) from 10-11:30am PST.

  • You’ll need curiosity, kindness, and a desire to engage with your creative process.

  • Cost: $125 for 4 weeks.

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REFLECT | RELEASE | INVITE | CULTIVATE 2025 Visioning Workshop
10:00 AM10:00

REFLECT | RELEASE | INVITE | CULTIVATE 2025 Visioning Workshop

Reflect | Release | Invite | Cultivate
2025 Visioning Workshop

A sacred pause at the turn of the year.

The end is also the beginning so we begin this workshop at the end. We won’t shy away from reflecting on what the year 2024 has brought us—the challenges, lessons, loss, opportunities, insights, grief, understandings, gifts and connections. It’s been a year!

In this workshop, I'll lead you through a reflection meditation, journaling prompts, a releasing ritual, visioning activities (dream boards, word of the year, year ahead spreads) and intention setting.

This is the eighth year in which I’ve offered this workshop. It’s had many incarnations. From sitting around my dining table to a local art studio and now, Zoom. What stays the same are the practices and rituals I offer that have helped me across the threshold of each year.

What you’ll need:

  • Tools for writing.

  • Tools for collaging: old magazines, interesting bits of paper, photographs, words.

  • Tarot and oracle deck (s).

  • A glass of water, mug of coffee/tea, something nourishing to eat during our break time.

  • Your sacred tools and talismans (optional): something to smudge with, crystals, stones, shells, bones, flowers, hydrosol, candle, altar cloth.

Cost for this 4-hour mini-retreat is: $55.

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Artist's Way Book Club
to Nov 3

Artist's Way Book Club

  • Google Calendar ICS

Welcome to The Artist’s Way Book Club

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters, compared to what lies within us.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Julia Cameron’s, The Artist’s Way, has lived on my bookshelves for more than ten years. I’ve read it, quoted from it, tried the famous “morning pages” and “artist’s dates,” and used its tools when working with my coaching clients BUT I’ve never given myself the time to do the full 12 week program all the way through.

In a sense, as we are creative beings, our lives become our work of art.
— Julia Cameron

In July, I kept hearing a whisper to take the book down from my shelf. I also started craving the morning pages. At first I didn’t listen. I thought, well, it might be outdated—it was first published in 1992—and I never felt inspired by the cover. It’s amazing the things we can put in our own way. (I almost ordered a copy from England because I liked the cover better!) 

Then one day, suddenly, the imperfection of my old copy was absolutely perfect. I grabbed some highlighters and began reading the introductory chapters. I let myself mark up the pages. I felt that tingling excitement that happens when I follow my intuition. By the time I got to the chapter, “Week One,” I knew two things: 

  1. I was going to start writing morning pages the following morning.

  2. I wanted to share this journey—to do the 12 weeks in community.

Since I began my creativity coaching business in 2014 I have wanted to have a book club as part of it. Ten years later (!) the time is ripe—for me, for this particular book, and for the times we are in. 

  • It’s easy to “get busy” and give up on this 12 week creative discipline practice. Believe me, I’ve done that many times.

  • There is support and accountability in doing it in a group.

  • With all the noise of the news, social media, and the constant chattering in our heads it’s so important to take a moment to stop, to check in, and to listen from the inside out. 

  • This 12 week Artist’s Way program is the medicine I need right now to anchor into my inner wisdom, intuition, and creativity and I wonder if you’re wanting that too.

  • I can tell I’m in a larger transition right now—my first born is heading to college, I’ve been navigating menopause, and I’ll be finishing my master’s program in the next few quarters—and the rhythm and ritual of the “morning pages” and weekly “artist’s dates” and journal prompts feel like a way for me to meet myself in this new season of life.

  • How about you? Are you feeling the natural transition that occurs this time of year from Summer to Fall?

If you think of the universe as a vast electrical sea in which you are immersed and from which you are formed, opening to your creativity changes you from something bobbing in that sea to a more full functioning, more conscious, more cooperative part of that ecosystem.
— Julia Cameron

benefits of the morning pages include:

  • increased clarity and direction

  • trust in your inner voice and intuition

  • connection to your imagination and dreams

  • creativity and innovation

  • clearing out the mental clutter

  • mindfulness

  • having a place to rant and get messy

  • and identifying the ways in which you block your authentic expression.

What this group provides: accountability, support and community

  • Saturday morning zoom calls for end-of-week check-in (as outlined at the end of each chapter), sharing, inspiration and accountability

  • Wednesday emails with a touch-in from me (including weekly task reminders, inspiration, quotes)

What you’ll need:

  • A copy of The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

  • Paper and pen for “morning pages” and other writing tasks

  • A willingness to dive into a transformative 12 week practice that includes “morning pages,” “artist’s dates,” and a selection of writing tasks

  • A willingness to jump into the mystery of discovering or rediscovering your creative self and authentic expression at this season of your life

  • A willingness to let go of perfectionism and embrace play

What to expect:

  • 12 weeks (as outlined in the book) - Week 1 begins August 18th

  • 12 Saturday zoom calls (10 am PST) - beginning August 24th - November 9th

  • 12 Wednesday emails with weekly task reminders, inspiration, and quotes

Cost: $120

{ Bonus: 25% off of a 4-session coaching package when purchased during the 12 weeks. }

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6:00 PM18:00

Tarot Summer School: Creative Tarot Practice

Tarot in the Summer is REAL! Yes!

In the final class of the series we bring together everything we've learned and...we play! I'll show you how to use multiple decks in a reading, what my daily tarot practice looks like, creative ways to use the cards, and we'll keep practicing reading simple spreads together. This class is empowering and fun. {There are lots of (virtual) high fives!}

*Note: This is the only class with a pre-requisite! You must have taken at least two of the other classes in the series to attend. This ensures that we have a shared language and foundation to expand and play with.

A few things you should know:

  • Please bring all your decks (just kidding, but if you have more than one please bring them) and something to take notes with.

  • Three hours goes by quicker than you can imagine in this interactive, online class. We’ll take a 20-minute break at the mid-point.

  • You’ll receive a Zoom link to attend class each week along with any provided materials.

Cost: 4 class series $175; ala carte classes $50

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6:00 PM18:00

Tarot Summer School: Major Arcana

Tarot in the Summer? Yes!

The Fool’s Journey

In this class we'll learn the major arcana by following the Fool's Journey. The major arcana represent the larger archetypal energies we encounter throughout our lives. We'll journey through the major arcana to learn the unique lessons and opportunities they hold for us. I'll leave time to practice reading the cards with new understandings.

A few things you should know:

  • Please bring a tarot deck and something to take notes with.

  • Three hours goes by quicker than you can imagine in this interactive, online class. We’ll take a 20-minute break at the mid-point.

  • You’ll receive a Zoom link to attend class each week along with any provided materials.

Cost: 4 class series $175; ala carte classes $50

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6:00 PM18:00

Tarot Summer School: Court Cards

Tarot in the Summer? Yes!

Court Cards: The Faces and Phases

These are the faces and phases of our lives. We'll spend time getting up close and personal with their unique energies and practice reading with them in simple 3 card spreads. You’ll leave with many ways to approach reading the “people” cards in your deck.

A few things you should know:

  • Please bring a tarot deck and something to take notes with.

  • Three hours goes by quicker than you can imagine in this interactive, online class. We’ll take a 20-minute break at the mid-point.

  • You’ll receive a Zoom link to attend class each week along with any provided materials.

Cost: 4 class series $175; ala carte classes $50

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6:00 PM18:00

Tarot Summer School: Minor Arcana

Tarot in the Summer? Yes!

The numbered cards

In this class we'll look closely at the 40 numbered cards through the lens of basic numerology and elemental associations. The minor arcana represent everyday (the ordinary or mundane) situations we encounter and the feelings, thoughts, energies and worldly matters they mirror back to us. I love teaching this class!

A few things you should know:

  • Please bring a tarot deck and something to take notes with.

  • Three hours goes by quicker than you can imagine in this interactive, online class. We’ll take a 20-minute break at the mid-point.

  • You’ll receive a Zoom link to attend class each week along with any provided materials.

Cost: 4 class series $175; ala carte classes $50

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10:00 AM10:00

REFLECT | RELEASE | INVITE | CULTIVATE 2024 Visioning Workshop

Reflect | Release | Invite | Cultivate
2024 Visioning Workshop

A sacred pause at the turn of the year.

The end is also the beginning so we begin this workshop at the end. We won’t shy away from reflecting on what the year 2023 has brought us—the challenges, lessons, loss, opportunities, insights, grief, understandings, gifts and connections. It’s been a year!

In this workshop, I'll lead you through a reflection meditation, journaling prompts, a releasing ritual, visioning activities (dream boards, word of the year, year ahead spreads) and intention setting.

This is the seventh year in which I’ve offered this workshop. It’s had many incarnations. From sitting around my dining table to a local art studio and now, Zoom. What stays the same are the practices and rituals I offer that have helped me across the threshold of each year.

What you’ll need:

  • Tools for writing.

  • Tools for collaging: old magazines, interesting bits of paper, photographs, words.

  • Tarot and oracle deck (s).

  • A glass of water, mug of coffee/tea, something nourishing to eat during our break time.

  • Your sacred tools and talismans (optional): something to smudge with, crystals, stones, shells, bones, flowers, hydrosol, candle, altar cloth.

Cost for this 3-hour workshop is: $45.

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10:00 AM10:00

REFLECT | RELEASE | INVITE | CULTIVATE 2023 Visioning Workshop

Reflect | Release | Invite | Cultivate
2023 Visioning Workshop

A sacred pause at the turn of the year.

The end is also the beginning so we begin this workshop at the end. We won’t shy away from reflecting on what the year 2022 has brought us—the challenges, lessons, loss, opportunities, insights, grief, understandings, gifts and connections. It’s been a year!

In this workshop, I'll lead you through a reflection meditation, journaling prompts, a releasing ritual, visioning activities (dream boards, word of the year, year ahead spreads) and intention setting.

This is the sixth year in which I’ve offered this workshop. It’s had many incarnations. From sitting around my dining table to a local art studio and now, Zoom. What stays the same are the practices and rituals I offer that have helped me across the threshold of each year.

What you’ll need:

  • Tools for writing.

  • Tools for collaging: old magazines, interesting bits of paper, photographs, words.

  • Tarot and oracle deck (s).

  • A glass of water, mug of coffee/tea, something nourishing to eat during our break time.

  • Your sacred tools and talismans (optional): something to smudge with, crystals, stones, shells, bones, flowers, hydrosol, candle, altar cloth.

Cost for this 3-hour workshop is: $45.

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to Sep 25

Tarot Study 2.0: Reading Traditional Marseille Tarot

  • Google Calendar ICS

Graduates of the original Tarot Study Series asked for more. Reading Traditional Marseille Tarot is the beginning of a series of Tarot 2.0 classes.

Please join me for two Sunday mornings this Fall, September 18th and 25th for an introduction to reading with the traditional Marseille tarot.

In this class you'll learn:

  • what makes these old-style decks unique

  • where they came from (a little history and context)

  • techniques used to read the majors, court cards and the non-scenic pips (numbered cards)

  • how to do "open" readings and other ways to read the cards

I enjoy using these cards regularly in my practice and look forward to sharing what I've learned with you and why I have grown to appreciate the sometimes profound, often humorous, and beautifully mundane readings I get with them.

I came away from class devoted to the pips with the exciting feeling of having been given the key to unlock meaning and interpret these cards for myself, with tools I already possess, no memorization of anything required. I find such powerful clarity, room for intuition, and concrete application in these old cards that are suddenly anything but static to me. Thank you!
— Rebecca R.

My teaching style is conversational, fun, and informative. You'll receive a pdf of the basics of what we cover. I'll leave room at the end of each class to practice, discover, and grow more confident reading with this system in community with each other.

*Please bring to class a Marseille style deck (decks + resource list will be provided) and something to take notes with. We’ll take a 15 min. break in the middle of class.

**You’ll receive a Zoom link to attend class each week along with any provided materials.

Cost: 2-class series $90

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11:00 AM11:00

Intro To Bullet Journaling

Track the past. Order the present. Design the future.
— Ryder Carroll

Bullet Journaling, created by Ryder Carroll, helps you connect your WHAT to your WHY. It’s both a system and a practice. It’s mindfulness meets productivity. A big part of bullet journaling is reflection (my favorite!)

I’m excited to share with you the how’s and why’s of Bullet Journaling—the basics of the method.

I will also share how I use it so you can see the method in action.

Bullet Journaling is well-loved because of how adaptable it is. Your bullet journal will be unique to you.

  • It can be like a planner meets a journal meets an artist’s sketchbook all in one.

  • It can house your tasks, events, and important notes as well as all the creative “woo-woo” stuff that makes you so happy.

I love the space I have throughout to incorporate things I’m studying, holistic check-ins, and more. I can’t wait to share it with you.

What you’ll need for class:

  • Something to take notes with.

A list of resources and supplies will be emailed when you register for class. They aren’t required but you may wish to bring a few of these with you. The class will be recorded.

This class is great for teens and adults.

Cost for this 2-hour live Zoom class is $40.

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10:00 AM10:00

Tarot & Oracle 101

A great place to begin your tarot journey. You’ll leave with a solid overview to begin working with your tarot & oracle cards.

In this class we'll cover: the difference between tarot and oracle cards, how to choose a deck and get to know it, tarot rituals vs. superstitions, simple spreads and how-to's, major and minor arcana (elements, story & archetypes), tarot as a tool for developing your intuition.

I created this class to de-mystify this tool for self-awareness, personal growth, and creativity so you can build your own relationship with the cards.

This is a fun, introductory and informative class. You'll get to see many styles of decks. If you have a deck of your own please bring it. I will be sharing many ways to bond with your deck. You'll receive a pdf prior to class with a compilation of the basics and great questions to get your tarot practice started.

*Please bring a tarot/oracle deck and something to take notes with.

**You will receive a Zoom link to attend class along with any provided materials.

Cost: $45

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10:00 AM10:00

REFLECT | RELEASE | INVITE | CULTIVATE 2022 Visioning Workshop

Reflect | Release | Invite | Cultivate
2022 Visioning Workshop

A sacred pause at the turn of the year.

The end is also the beginning so we begin this workshop at the end. We won’t shy away from reflecting on what the year 2021 has brought us—the challenges, lessons, loss, opportunities, insights, grief, understandings, gifts, isolation, and deeper connection. It’s been a year!

In this workshop, I'll lead you through a reflection meditation, journaling prompts, a releasing ritual, visioning activities (dream boards, word of the year, year ahead spreads) and intention setting.

This is the fifth year in which I’ve offered this workshop. It’s had many incarnations. From sitting around my dining table to a local art studio and now, Zoom. What stays the same are the practices and rituals I offer that have helped me across the threshold of each year.

What you’ll need:

  • Tools for writing.

  • Tools for collaging: old magazines, interesting bits of paper, photographs, words.

  • Tarot and oracle deck (s).

  • A glass of water, mug of coffee/tea, something nourishing to eat during our break time.

  • Your sacred tools and talismans (optional): something to smudge with, crystals, stones, shells, bones, flowers, hydrosol, candle, altar cloth.

Cost for this 3-hour workshop is: $45.

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11:00 AM11:00

Get To Know Your Moon Calendar {Free Event}

Curious how to get started using a circular moon calendar, such as The Moon Is My Calendar by April McMurtry?

In this free introductory class, I’ll walk you through the new moon calendar (whether you have one yet or not), share why I’ve chosen it for 5 years of personal practice and as a Lunar Wisdom Guide and show you some simple ways to begin a moon practice of your own.

**You will receive a Zoom link to attend class when you register.

Cost: This class is free.

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