When you slow down to inquire,
when you trust the directions your heart whispers,
you experience the beauty of living your true nature.
You are right where you're supposed to be.
when you trust the directions your heart whispers,
you experience the beauty of living your true nature.
You are right where you're supposed to be.
Like you I have worn many hats—preschool teacher, owner/creator of an indie-boutique, urban chicken keeper, stay-at-home mama, and moon guide are just a few.
I believe our bodies are wise and we are all intrinsically creative, intuitive beings.
I’m a seeker of the riches and depths of living in my fullest self—including the joys and sorrows, the trials and errors, the mishaps and delights.
We all have access to our heart’s compass and in the moments you are challenged to access your own inner strength and your own tools of wisdom I will be your guide.
Just in time for the season, find out what classes I’m teaching.
Work With Me
Live Your True Nature coaching sessions, card readings, and moon guidance.
Tarot Study Series (group & private classes available), Lunar Wisdom Classes, and more.