Words To Live By, Fall 2017
I love to create. I love rituals. And, I love to create my own rituals.
For me a ritual is something I can drop into, be held by, and show up to. It’s an act that I ascribe meaning to. It's an invitation for sacredness and connection to Source (Divine Love, Creative Essence).
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A Transformative Ritual For Disappointment
So, you failed. Or, you feel like you did anyway. "It" didn't work. The house, the job, the creation, the relationship—whatever "it" was didn't pan out. Not even close. I don't need to tell you what I'm disappointed about for you to know what I mean.
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Supportive Self-Care for Spring Fever
Do you feel that excess, distracted energy that comes with the change from Winter hibernation to Spring emergence?While some literally get runny noses, watery eyes, and phlegmy coughs as they thaw out from the winter, I often feel out of balance, overflowing, agitated, uncomfortable in my clothes, like I need to shed my old skin.
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(Love Thyself) Rose Petal Tea Recipe
Two things came together to create this love-ly tea recipe.
1. My desire to turn up the self-love this winter and,
2. Giving myself permission to play with the gorgeous selection of organic bulk herbs at our local health and wellness store.I was drawn to the rose petals, hibiscus, and orange peel for their fragrance, taste, and color.
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Welcoming 2017 with ritual and grace
I will admit it's been more of a challenge to say Happy New Year with as much gusto as I usually have. 2016 was a challenging year personally, nationally, and globally.However, when I sat down to do my annual, end of year ritual and reflected on the past year I realized how many opportunities for growth I was given.
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Our Winter Solstice Celebration
Discovering the ritual celebrations that connect us to nature's cycles.
When my children were much smaller than they are now (and they’re still pretty small) I wanted to introduce a celebration that didn’t involve the story of Santa, chimneys, and presents
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