Why I say W.A.I.T.

Consider this before you leap head first into the very next thing.

Does this sound familiar? You've just completed a project, a transition, a training, even a great yoga class and you immediately think, OK, what next? I have space available and I have to fill it up right away. Don't I?


Spring is known for being the season of renewal and there is plenty of "let's begin" energy in the air.

Before you jump into the very next opportunity that comes your way or the very next "yes!" you may benefit more if you pull back and simply—wait.

  • wait to acknowledge and celebrate what you just completed

  • wait to feel what you just experienced

  • wait to catch your breath

  • wait to digest what you've learned or to reflect on where you've been

  • wait to hear what you are called to do next

  • wait to get inspired or curious or even a little bored in this new space that has opened up

  • wait to even get uncomfortable in the waiting (check out this book by Sue Monk Kidd, When the Heart Waits)

We are not a society that seems to value waiting. I too have a difficult time with waiting, especially when I feel the flightiness of Spring as she blooms here and there beckoning my attention to each new sprout and blossom.  Just like the Spring thaw rushing down the mountains toward the sea I find myself rushing everywhere after a long winter wanting to take it all in at once.

It is important for me to stop and wait long enough to make sure where I'm headed with all that seasonal energy is actually in alignment with my internal compass, my inner GPS. Other times, I feel the deluge of ideas and energy around me and it feels like too much. I start feeling the need to jump in, even if I'm not ready, because I might miss out otherwise.


I forget that if I wait for calmer waters within me my intention will become more clear and I will know when it's my time to dive in and say "yes!".

So if you find yourself with time and space to fill, rather than jumping head first into the next thing and then wondering how you got there, take a moment to W.A.I.T. (Yep, I created an acronym for those of us who get ansy and anxious during this exciting season of Spring.)

  1. W—here, what, why (pause for inquiry, reflection, and discernment)

  2. A—lign yourself with your authentic soul desires (get out your journal and declare them)

  3. I—nternal compass check-in (tuning into your heart knowing through stillness or movement)

  4. T—ime (give yourself this sacred space and open to this moment in time)

Waiting can be 5 seconds before you respond or react to your child. Or, five minutes before you say "yes or no" to that email. Sometimes, it can take much, much longer than you ever thought comfortable. This is the kind of waiting I have grown most familiar with. We are not always friends, this waiting and me—even though it has gifted me so many unforeseen treasures. What are YOU waiting for? I would love to hear. Contact Jenn Gallucci, Bainbridge Island life coach for moms.