Savoring Summer Series: Week 6
When it all falls apart
So here we are at the final post of the Savoring Summer blog series and the 1st day of August. By this point in the season, rhythms might be unravelling, children might be acting listless or revolting against the colorful chore list.
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Savoring Summer Series: Week 5
Summer is a great time to pour a heapin’ helpin’ of love into your home in preparation for the seasons to come. It’s hard to believe that fall, winter and February are right around the corner when we’re in the middle of July.
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Savoring Summer Series: Week 4
Over the years I have found that I don’t need to “do it all” myself when it comes to coming up with summer experiences for my family, getting ready to go on trips, and maintaining basic cleanliness in our home. Instead of feeling like I have to hold “it” all for everyone I have found ways to involve my kids with some of these responsibilities.
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Savoring Summer Series: Week 3
Take a moment to remember summer as a kid. I grew up in the ‘70s and I remember my mom kicking us outside every day (after we had done our chores of course—more on that later) to go find our own fun.
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Savoring Summer Series: Week 2
In this second post of the Savor Summer series I will be delving into what I see as the two pillars for a fulfilling summer (and life): self-care and creativity.I could talk for hours on the importance of self-care. It is not only important for us moms but it is hugely important for our children to witness.
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Savoring Summer Series: Week 1
Summer. When you say this word aloud what do you notice in your body? Do you feel yourself tightening somewhere? Do you feel your breath shorten or catch? Do you feel jittery in your stomach?
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