Making Magic in May Series: Week 4: Everyday Magic
The everyday magic of following a hunch to see where it leads.
In this final installment of my Making Magic in May blog post series I'm thrilled to share with you my favorite ways of communing with my intuition – also known as stepping outside of the rational, linear, everyday model of thinking.
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Making Magic in May Series: Week 3: The Magic of Attention
Life is more mundane moments strung together than big stand-out moments. The trick to experiencing more magic is to look for the extraordinary in an ordinary day. There is treasure waiting there for us to uncover.
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Making Magic in May Series: Week 2: Creating a Daily Self-care Ritual
It takes a lot of trust to go to bed on time—trust that there will be enough time to learn all I want to learn, to create all I want to create, and to make all the connections I want to make—which brings me quickly to this week’s Making Magic topic: Creating a Daily Self-care Ritual
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Making Magic in May Series: Week 1: The Magic of Intention
What is magic really? That’s a good place to begin. I want us to be on the same page when I use the word magic. W
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