Your re-entry is your own. Claim it. Know that you can feel your way through—adjusting and responding as you go.
This is for you if heading back “out” and creating a “new normal” in the larger community has you feeling:
exhausted, overwhelmed or ungrounded—like you just want to pull the covers over your head.
thoughtful and needing a place to bring those thoughts together.
regretful that you didn’t use this last year to x, y, or z.
protective of what you’ve discovered about yourself and not wanting to give those things up.
ready to designate space to re-meet yourself as you are now.
My intention with this group coaching series is to offer a safe space to prime ourselves for whatever our re-entry looks like.
“Naming what we’re facing gives us all the courage to figure it out together.”
If you’ve never experienced coaching before, this is a great place to start. The power of group coaching comes from being in your own experience within community. This is just what we’re trying to figure out as we re-enter society from our isolated bubbles. (Testimonials from participants can be found here.)
Group coaching helps you see yourself in the context of shared experience. You realize that while you are uniquely you, you are not alone.
Week one: Safe Space/Introduction/Gratitude/Reflection
Week two: Self-care/Meeting ourselves right where we are
Week three: Obstacles on our Path/Perception/Who we listen to/Boundaries
Week four: Curiosity/Who am I really?/Leaving behind/Taking with/Imagining
Week five: Creativity/What is emerging?/How do I step into it?/Small steps
Week six: Integration/What have I learned?/How have I grown?/What will I carry forward?
We will gather for 6 weeks via Zoom. Thursdays, 9:30-11am PST, from June 17th to July 22nd.
My intention is for you to leave nourished, centered, primed and empowered to re-enter your “post-pandemic” life.
Cost: $300