Why I say W.A.I.T.

Consider this before you leap head first into the very next thing.

Does this sound familiar? You've just completed a project, a transition, a training, even a great yoga class and you immediately think, OK, what next? I have space available and I have to fill it up right away. Don't I?

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Finding your way back to YOU

I just finished reading a copy of Mary Pipher's, Seeking Peace: Chronicles of the Worst Buddhist in the World.  It showed up in my life, like many of the books I have read over the past three years of transition and transformation, at just the right time.  (Sometimes, I think I must have a personal librarian in the sky and I'm deeply grateful for it.)

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Unraveling is not a bad thing. It's not coming undone or losing control. It's letting go in the best possible way, untangling the knots that hold you back, unwrapping the gifts you've hidden for too long, unearthing the potential that's always been there, finally ditching the labels and should-haves, and letting yourself be what you were always meant to be.

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Jennifer Gallucci
How to cozy back up to your discipline.

I'm reminded of the first year we had chickens in our backyard city homestead. I was trying to plant our annual bean seeds to grow up the trellis (which we also used as a natural way to block our view of the neighbors chain link fencing). These were dual action beans with a purpose. Anyone who has had chickens knows that letting them free range and trying to grow a garden from seed can be a loosing battle.

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